BBC and Daley Weaponise Games

Tom Daley with Jamaican swimmer Michael Gunning in 'Tom Daley: Illegal to Be Me'.

Tom Daley with Jamaican swimmer Michael Gunning in ‘Tom Daley: Illegal to Be Me’.

No sooner have the Commonwealth Games closed than the BBC is hosting Tom Daley on Tuesday 9th August 2022 in an hour-long BBC1 pro-sodomy promo, as the Guardian reports here.

The British diver called for the Games not to be held in any country which maintains criminal sanctions against sodomy. He did not put it quite like that. He expressed it as countries where it is ‘illegal to be me’. Of course, it is not illegal to be Tom Daley anywhere in the world.

What is against the law, in those countries where the responsible authorities still listen to the voice of historical Biblical Christianity, is for men to commit unnatural acts with other men.

Please sign our petition against Tom Daley’s campaign.

Here is the story in the Daily Telegraph.  They have disabled comments.  But to be fair, it’s reasonably balanced, with academics pointing out the fallacies in his arguments.

The Biblical position

The Bible is clear that no nation should legalise sodomy:
Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

God sets down a challenge to nations to choose his ways of life rather than death:
Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

Men, left to themselves, will always go wrong, thinking they are doing good:
Proverbs 14:12 (cf also 16:25) There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for institutionalised sodomy:
Genesis 19:24 Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;

And the Psalmist warns every nation to follow God’s ways:
Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

The Tom Daley Campaign

Tom Daley and others carrying 'Pride' flags into the Commonwealth Games

Tom Daley and others carrying ‘Pride’ flags into the Commonwealth Games

Despite those clear warnings, the Commonwealth Games opened with Mr Daley parading in, with half-a-dozen others, carrying a ‘pride’ flag. The old pro-gay rainbow job has now morphed into a flag with ‘trans’ chevrons.

So was Tom Daley also promoting the unfairness of men, otherwise known as ‘trans-women’, participating in women’s categories in sport and grabbing women’s medals?

Yes, he was. In June, according to the BBC, ‘Tom Daley says he is “furious” at his sport’s world governing body for voting to stop transgender athletes from competing in women’s elite events.’

The Bible demands equity and fairness. Tom Daley has lost that, with so much else.

Sodomy inflicted as punishment

There were supposed to be 35 people carrying these flags, one for every Commonwealth country where sodomy is still illegal. Furthermore, his campaign is orchestrated and a while in the planning.  As part of it, Mr Daley secured a pleasant trip to Jamaica to make the BBC film.  Whilst there, he hung out with gay Jamaican swimmer Michael Gunning and a group of other gays in a gay bar. So much for ‘oppression against gays’ in Jamaica.

Moreover, a Jamaican academic explained to Tom Daley that under slavery, some slaveowners would sodomise their slaves as a punishment. That aspect of colonialism, she explained, has left Jamaicans at odds with the ‘white man’s vice’. We see how the Christian-informed laws in the legal systems of so many Commonwealth countries affirm traditional African values. And now Tom Daley, and those responsible for the Games Opening Ceremony, berate African and Caribbean countries for their God-given laws in a naked show of neo-colonialism and, frankly, racism.

Yet the Bible is clear. God’s laws are neither hateful nor onerous:
1John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

Tom Daley’s Personal Life

Tom Daley (Left) and Dustin Lance Black (right) held a 'baby shower' party last weekend.

Tom Daley (Left) and Dustin Lance Black (right) held a ‘baby shower’ party.

It is said ‘the personal is political’ and of no-one is this more true than of Tom Daley. It appears Tom turned homosexual after the death of his father. His ‘partner’, Dustin Lance Black, is in the same age-bracket as his late father, as we reported here.

Self-deception is built in to homosexual circles. Homosexual men and women have to convince themselves they are doing no wrong. Denial of reality extends out from there. Messrs Daley and Black, like many other gay and lesbian pairs, are adamant that they have ‘had a baby together’. They posted a picture from the ‘baby shower’ showing them clad in identical sashes. Both claimed: ‘Daddy to be’. The truth is, as our story pointed out, only one of them is the father.

The Lord Jesus said:
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Thank God for forgiveness, healing and deliverance in the name of Jesus. However they got into it, no-one, not Tom Daley, not Dustin Black, needs to stay gay.

Where now for the Commonwealth?

Where does the Daley campaign leave the Commonwealth Games? What indeed does it mean for the whole Commonwealth? A few years back, no Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting was complete without depraved Western countries trying to force a pro-gay resolution through. Happily, the African and Caribbean countries would have none of it. It seems that neo-colonialist brow-beating has recently gone quiet.

In our ‘Daley Baby-Shower’ article linked above, we also reported on the Daley campaign during the 2018 Heads of Government meeting. We reported: ‘Daley went off on his rant, according to the Guardian: “There are 37 countries where it’s illegal to be who I am out of all the Commonwealth so hopefully we can reduce that number between now and (2022),” Theresa May and Boris Johnson also joined in trying to force gay rights on the nations of the Commonwealth. The Foreign Secretary even promised Tom Daley he would raise the matter.’

The number appears now to have fallen from 37 to 35, solely due to pressure from Western government and Foundations and Western-funded activists in two of the nations concerned.

Ban pro-family nations from hosting?

But now Tom Daley wants pro-family nations banned from hosting the Commonwealth Games altogether. That will mean only the pro-sodomy white nations will host them from now on. Maybe Tom is not the sharpest tool in the box, but can even he not see how racist his proposal is?  His whole campaign is blatant racism.  The Games had its posturing opening. It had the relentless switch-off presence of the lesbian presenter Clare Balding. The BBC ran anti-Commonwealth clips and poems. It was enough to cause Brendan O’Neill, writing in Spiked Online, to call it the ‘Commonwoke Games.’

As it happens, no African nation has ever hosted the Games.  Jamaica hosted in 1966, Malaysia in 1998 and India in 2010.  Otherwise, it has been the white nations all the way.  Australia leads the way with five events.  Melbourne in 2026 will make that six.  Miriam Moyo is Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) regional vice-president.  The best she could manage was “Definitely, Africa will host these Games one of these days,” as she told BBC Sport Africa

But with the cost of staging the Commonwealth Games coming in for Birmingham 2022 at a staggering £778m, maybe African countries have other priorities.  Plainly, the Tom Daley ‘campaign’ is just for show.  He is merely using the Games to advance his gay rights agenda.  It may be enough for now for African sports committees  to warn Australia against following the UK and ramming the worst of ‘diversity’ down athletes’ throats in their opening ceremony.

Commonwealth nations look out

Thank God African and Caribbean countries are beginning to wise up to immoral Western pressure. They are beginning to resent strings attached to aid and trade. Ghana is now moving ‘Beyond Aid’ and other African nations are starting to pass laws forbidding pro-gay propaganda. The days when they were willing to be bossed around by white people with a superior, colonialist attitude are coming to an end.

British athletes, opinion formers, media, politicians and younger members of the royal family are all intent on a pro-gay and (contradictory) pro-trans agenda. What if that resulted in African and Caribbean nations pulling out of the Commonwealth Games altogether? Could it even result in the end of the Commonwealth itself? The agitators would probably not care. The BBC appears to hate the Commonwealth. But how its demise would sadden Her Majesty.

The promises of God of blessing for those nations which follow his ways remain:
Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

Please pray for the United Kingdom to repent and turn back to God. Pray that Commonwealth nations will follow the ways of the Lord. And if you are willing to proclaim the eternal truth of God’s commandments to those in positions of authority, either sign our petition or fill in your details in the box below.

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  1. Hell Stephen,

    Thank you so much for your article on Tom Daley. I totally agree with you!

    We have bi-monthly Prayer Meting, ‘Intercessors U K’ (subject clue in the title; we will pray about this situation.

    Waiting for a new new cheque book to arrive so that I can send you a cheque.

    Thanks you for all you do! I pray for you, your family and the team most days!

    God bless you.


    1. Thank you Peter K for your comment and thanks for standing with us financially. It means a lot. Stephen

  2. Thank you and well done Stephen for standing your ground and standing up against the people who come storming out every time someone dares to question the LGBT marxist agenda. One way of stopping these people is to simply tell them about X Out Loud. X Out Loud is a growing group of ex-LGBT people who have found freedom by quitting the LGBT lifestyle. Will they be covered by mainstream media? Of course not, it’s not the agenda.

    1. Thank you for telling us about X Out Loud – I had not heard of this group before but will definitely look them up.

    2. Not wishing to split hairs, but it is wrong to suggest that LGBT is part of the Marxist ideology, and neither Karl Marx, nor Friedrich Engels, ever expressed a favourable opinion in regard to homosexuality. Even Stalin, upon receiving a letter from Harry White (a homosexual Scottish member of the Communist Party of Great Britain) asking “Can a homosexual be considered someone worthy of membership in the Communist Party?” commented “An idiot and a degenerate.” This was soon after followed by a new Soviet legal statute in 1935 that criminalised homosexuality, and it wasn’t until 1993 that it was revoked by Boris Yeltsin.

      It would be more correct in referring to the promotion of LGBT as part of the ‘neo-Marxist’ or ‘Cultural Marxist’ agenda.

  3. Thank you for sharing this story. Keep up the good work.

  4. A further insult which you have not mentioned is that Daley with his little parade was carrying the Queen’s baton into the arena. I’m pretty sure Her Majesty would not have approved.

  5. I remember getting a Daily Mail and there was an article and picture of Daley and another man, in a hospital bedroom holding a baby, dressed in a hospital gown, as if one of them had had a baby. The clear impression was that one of them had somehow produced a baby although I guess the child had been somehow adopted (or brought in somehow?). I wish I had kept the article because I remember thinking in years to come no one is going to believe us if we told them this had happened or been reported as a serious article. Was the Mail secretly mocking?
    I switched off the BBC years ago so I did not suffer from BBC Commonwoke Games coverage but the point about the cost is important. This is ‘bread and circuses’; give away free stuff to keep the people from rising up and distract them with entertainments.
    Don’t forget the derision the UK will be getting around the world. be under no illusion, nations that do what we are doing are not taken seriously but are treated with total disrespect.
    The good news is X Out Loud,; ex gay and happy. This is the slam dunk rebuttal to the gay rights marxists.

  6. Someone showed me a video clip of the opening ceremony of these useless games. There was a mock up of the Tower of Babel with windows which apparently are to do with looking into the demonic realm with satanic images and there was a bull that people were worshipping aka a bull like baal. So it is pretty obvious what these games have become, they have been hijacked by the usual anti-God mob as a vehicle of expressing their God hatred. The fact that Mr Daley has used it for pro-gay promotion is hardly surprising and of course there is that price tag which the poor people of Birmingham (or will all of us have to pay it?) will have to pay.
    Meanwhile a geography teacher has been telling me of how China is right now building or has already built, deep water ports in Pakistan, Kenya, Burma, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka plus a lot of other projects all over the world. It’s not wasting its money on games, it is actually doing real economic activity, and probably becoming the new world power at the same time.

  7. It never stops getting worse, year on year in the so-called white ‘super-satanic’ states. The problem with the likes of Daley and others similarly minded is that spiritual and political leadership within the UK and the west generally are primarily accountable for this abject moral demise. 2 Peter states that when the judgement of God’s falls, the church will be the first to experience this; then what will it be like for the unsaved? Church leadership has singularly failed to stand up to this moral decline, and so it then permeates right throughout the nation. We are asked to pray for national repentance. I am reminded that in 2 Chronicles, Manassah the son of Hezekiah was so evil, worse than the nations God used to Israelites to drive out that no amount of repentance could save the Judah Kingdom from judgement, even though Manasseh repented, and was followed by Josiah who instituted all his reforms. Judah still came under Babylonian judgement. Surely, the die is now cast for us as a nation, and the western world.

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