Goering’s Principle

Hermann Goering

Reichsmarschal Hermann Goering

Days before he died, a high-ranking German officer, convicted as a war criminal by the Nuremberg court, laid bare a shocking principle of governance which is still in use by governments worldwide today.

Hermann Goering (in German ‘Göring‘) explained that any unscrupulous state leadership, anywhere in the world, can always secure popular support for a war or an oppressive measure.

The Nuremberg Diary

During the trials, a German-speaking American intelligence officer and psychologist, one Gustave Gilbert, was granted free access by the Allies to the Nazi prisoners held in the jail. Dr. Gilbert kept a journal of his observations of the proceedings and his conversations with the prisoners. He later published these as the book Nuremberg Diary.

On the evening of 18th April 1946 Dr Gilbert spoke to a dejected Reichsmarschal Herman Goering in his cell. Goering was Hitler’s deputy and head of the Luftwaffe during World War II.

The whole conversation is referenced HERE.  This is what Gilbert wrote:

‘Drag the people along’

‘We got around to the subject of war again and I said that, contrary to his attitude, I did not think that the common people are very thankful for leaders who bring them war and destruction.

‘“Why, of course, the people don’t want war,” Goering shrugged. “Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a parliament or a communist dictatorship”.’

“There is one difference,” Gilbert protested, “In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.”

Goering’s Principle

“Oh, that is all well and good,” replied Goering, “but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country”.

This is Goering’s Principle. It is a profound insight into how governments work, or can work, when politicians forget they are there to serve the people. Even today, Goering’s Principle is being used by our leaders to paint a one-sided picture of the Russia-Ukraine conflict..

Goering’s Principle works well with the Two-Minute Hate of George Orwell’s classic novel ‘1984’. Up on the screen pop images of someone the Party has chosen to be hated. He is connected with Oceania’s enemy Eurasia. The assembled populace scream at the images on the screen.

And so today ‘Putin’ is demonised. Our politicians maintain, and the media repeat, that he is ‘unhinged’, ‘mad’, a ‘tyrant’, intent on war and empire-building, as if the West and NATO, despite Iraq, despite Libya, despite Syria, are peace-loving and non-aggressive.  Goering’s Principle does not rely on grace, humility, nuance or seeing both sides of the argument.

Application to Covid

Furthermore, Goering’s Principle does not only apply for dragging the people along to accept a war and to go and fight in it. Let us rephrase it in Covid terms:

‘All you have to do is tell the people they are being attacked by a deadly virus and denounce all who oppose lockdowns, restrictions, masks or vaccines for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country’.

As indeed it did across most of the world except for Africa and India where the lockdown policy came up against the lack of buckets of available money to pay people to sit at home idle. In the UK, Project Fear was dusted off from the coffers of the Remain campiagn in the Brexit referendum to scare us all rigid and browbeat us, as Goering predicted, into accepting measures we never should have done.

Chrstian Voice denounced lockdown as ungodly from day one. But the people, including Christians, believe their leaders. That is what Goering’s Principle relies on, that and the government having access to powerful propaganda arms: newspaper adverts, bus shelters, Twitter, Facebook and the mainstream media. Perhaps the new, upcoming youth-oriented social media platforms can provide an alternative, but it is scarcely enough against the power of the state and its media mouthpieces.

Propaganda continues

Even today, as the Covid and the hysteria retreat in England and dates are set in Scotland, the Welsh Government cannot let go. Here is its latest promoted tweet: ‘The more we keep on doing the right thing, the more we’ll protect each other. Wear a mask, get vaccinated, get tested and self-isolate to protect those around you and Disrupt the Transmission of COVID-19. Together, we’ll Keep Wales Safe.’ Linc Cymru tweeted it as well.

That’s not all. Let us now rephrase Goering’s Principle in NetZero terms:

‘All you have to do is tell the people they are being attacked by greenhouse gases and denounce all who oppose the NetZero agenda for lack of patriotism, lack of care for ‘the planet’ and exposing the country to danger from climate change.’

This too has been employed all over the developed world, nowhere as fanatically as in the UK. And as Goering said, it’s the poor who suffer from all these measures imposed by their leaders while those in power and their friends enrich themselves. It works the same way, as the Reichsmarschal said, in any and every country.

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  1. Indeed so and well said, ref Ukraine, Covid and the ‘climate crisis’!

    1. Diolch yn fawr.

  2. Very good and spot on. I went to church for the first time for many months and was met on the door by a group of masked people all in their face muzzles. Why does the church still do this? Does no church leader realise just how off putting it is to be met at the door by a group of what looks like bandits or Black Lives Matter activists? How is that supposed to attract people into church? I say to anyone with a mask, ‘Please take that thing off, you are damaging your own health and I can’t hear what you are saying’.
    The church is going to have to repent of its terrible rush to shut down, distance, not sing praises to God, inside, yes inside the sanctuary and then join in vaccine coercion. Any church that did these things must repent of the offence it offered to God. Then church of Britain will you please get up off the floor, stop being a door mat, get back to the Bible and get out and start proclaiming salvation, hope, and pro-family action.

    1. Thanks Adrian. I am so looking forward to getting back to church when all the stupidity has stopped. You didn’t mention churches demanding the sanitising of hands and scrubbing surfaces with anti-bacterial solvents. Against an air-borne virus!
      As for the church repenting, our prayers must be answered by the Almighty. At least the CofE is starting to wonder about it all!

  3. Stephen, I totally agree! 100% You are correct in saying that most people are prepared to believe their leaders and then get ‘dragged along’
    We have, for a long time, been lulled progressively into a total and false sense of security by a prolonged period of peace in Europe, and now, against all hope, we are thrust into a dangerous phenomenon. We have become soft, self indulgent, self centred as a civilisation and utterly pagan. Now our ‘chickens are starting to come home to roost’! I have been waiting expectantly for this a long time!

    1. Amen.

  4. Well said, Stephen. Particularly on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Try to get your head round why NATO/ Europe would arm to the teeth a hopelessly unmatched nation against a bellegerent behemoth, and yet refrain from putting their own boots on ground! As someone put it, heads you lose, tails you lose! Would it not have been more noble to lose in pursuit of brokering peace. The alternative has been that poor Ukrainians are being encouraged to take on a lost battle, at such a heavy price – being butchered so cruelly, because NATO/ Europe is stoking their fire of national pride. To be sure, what Russia is doing is wrong, in invading another sovereign country. But equally, NATO/UN/Europe have proven to be disasters in the past, especially on Iraq you alluded to above.
    Where I’m not quite onboard is on your claim, that Covid-19 lockdowns were unbiblical. I have listened to the scientists, not least to the CMO (chief medical officer, England) Chris Whitty, who have made some impassioned and evidence based arguments on why Covid-19 restrictions are necessary. I have seen the sense in that. What politicians have invariably done throughout the period was to cherry pick the science that best suited their circumstances and popularized against some of the robust scientific advice.
    Again on the issue of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions and climate change, it’s helpful to follow the science closely, and observe the adverse global warming continues to have against some of the least resilient communities in Subsaharan Africa and Asia. Wherever one stands on this issue, unabated and business as usual approach will only lead to sustained bucketfuls of aid affected people, without really creating opportunities to turn their lives and livelihoods around for generations to come. It is not fashionable nor is it sustainable to live with the current levels of aggressive consumerism and casually be dismissive that any change in lifestyle is undesirable for the West, as it would leads back to ‘stone age living’. Arocha (2012) estimates that, if the lifestyle led by the West (<15% of global population) were to be replicated across all geopolitical spaces, we would require 16 earths to sustain us!

    1. Thanks James. For Dave, it’s OK except for the R-U angle, for you that’s OK but you pull me on the Covid and climate points!
      On the Covid, the Biblical position is that work and enjoying the fruits of it is the gift of God: Eccl 3:13 & 5:19 & Psalm 104:23. No government has the right to forbid men and women working. And the Bible shows quarantine is for the sick, not the healthy.
      On NetZero and the climate, the ‘Sciemce’ is not as ‘settled’ as they say, but I agree about the waste of the West. The UK imports 80% of its food by the time you take raw materials into account and we throw away around a quarter of it. We waste energy too and spend human resources on vanity projects like pronouns. It’s profligate and verging on wicked for me. We waste nothing in our house.

  5. Stephen, whilst I agree with most of this, I do not agree with your inference that Putin is sane and stable. Unless you are going to claim that repeated (not just one-off) attacks on residential areas and an attack on a nuclear sites are self-inflicted by Ukraine for sympathy effect? something not even Putin is claiming (at least he wasn’t before RT was pulled in the West). The only counter from Russian forces was that a missile strike in Kharkiv allegedly came from a direction with only Ukrainian forces – impossible to ascertain from the video since it descends more or less vertically! So, whilst he may have had the moral high ground originally, in his understandable desire not to see NATO expansion, and in his approach to family morals, he lost all that high ground a week ago.
    No, a better explanation is that he has been driven mad by the West, and NATO in particular, but , unless he completely wipes out the NATO alliance, he will end up with exactly what he doesn’t want – NATO on his border. An even better explanation is that God has indeed sent him madness for the punishment of the decadent West. I pray every day that we will return to God’s Word and His commandments, and away from lies and vanities, and that He will yet have mercy on us. I pray too that a just peace will come to the area without more countries being drawn in directly.
    The direct Scriptural parallel in my view is of Nebuchadnezzar threatening Israel. And we know how that ended.
    (Meanwhile, no one seems bothered about China’s own aspirations for territorial and economic expansion.)

    1. We shall see how it pans out. I’m slightly disappointed that the main thrust of the article has been at least partly lost for you by my adding the bit about how I see the application to the Russo-Ukraine conflict. Clearly I should have separated that out and made it a stand-alone article. Maybe I should do that even now.

      1. Absolutely, Stephen.
        The other applications are spot on (and, along with evolutionary theory and many other aspects of today’s anti-Christian doctrine, is based on “following the science” (falsely so-called), aka making the stats fit the story).
        It’s just that Russia/Ukraine is a much more complicated affair. Putin has not even bothered to offer any evidence for his claim that Ukraine is full of terrorists and ne-nazis. In fact, Russia frequently crops up in Barnabas Fund reports of persecution and intimidation of Christians. Ukraine does too – but usually relating to persecution in the separatist Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Having said that, one of Zelensky’s first moves was to impose a curfew in Kyiv lasting all over the Lord’s Day, and no Western government representative, officially or unofficially, as far as I am aware, has called for a day of prayer over the issue.
        I would certainly welcome an article on the situation! Many thanks.

        1. Well, you could say he didn’t need to, as the Ukrainian neo-nazis are well-documented. The Ukraine Army is the only one in the world to have an avowed neo-nazi battalion, the Azov Battalian, in its ranks. And they have been to the fore in oppression in Donbass.
          Reports of persecution of Christians in Russia are sometimes linked to the Orthodox Church defending its position and sometimes even to Jehovah’s Witness and Mormon evangelism. No excuse on the former, but we’re all human.

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